Teplan (species)

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Political Information
Star System:

Teplan System


Gamma Quadrant



Development Stage:

Space Capable

Biological Information
  • Male
  • Female
Notable Features:



The Teplans were a space-capable species from the Gamma Quadrant. They were once a great civilization, with magnificent cities and had the technology to travel to other worlds. Due to their resistance against the Dominion in the mid-22nd century, the Jem'Hadar infected the Teplans with a Blight that was incurable. The disease infected every child while still in the womb, meaning every member of their species was born with the Blight. Most died from it, some as children, others after reaching adulthood. The final stage of the disease was incredibly painful, as the Blight "quickened" and destroyed their body. After generations of these conditions, their technology had been all but lost, their population was continuing to drop off (as most people did not live long enough to reproduce), and their culture had become obsessed with death and the easing of pain rather than any kind of forward progress.

External Information