Return to Razmena (Mission)

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Return to Razmena

Season 4




June 14, 2390


Relieved at last, the Black Hawk returns to its primary mission: rooting out the pirate haven. Captain Geisler has decided to take a more proactive role and sets course for Razmena, an independent space station not far from Gavara and Starbase Unity. What will they find?


After months of dead ends, Captain Geisler finds himself determined to approach the pirate problem from an alternate angle. He gathers three of his most trusted staff members, Commander Reynolds, Lieutenant Commander Di Pasquale, and Lieutenant Commander Geisler, in his ready room and proposes that they take the initiative by traveling to Razmena. After a discussion, it was agreed that the three, along with Doctor Monroe and Counselor Rael, split into two teams aboard the runabouts Kwando and Conchos.

In the absence of most of the senior staff, Captain Geisler directs the crew of the Black Hawk to continue with its shakedown. After all, the Akira was still fresh out of drydock and much of her systems still needed to be dialed in. The Black Hawk performs a variety of maneuvers and testing at an asteroid field, where it makes numerous adjustments to its shield harmonics and targeting sensors. The 325th, once again under the command of Commander Walsh, performs training exercises as well. By the end of the day, Captain Geisler's confidence in his crew and ship is fortified.

The Away Teams arrive at Razmena in separate runabouts, both now disguised as civilian ships. Lt. Commander Geisler's team, which includes Doctor Monroe, Counselor Rael, and security escorts, explore the station. They are met with a visage of poverty as representatives of dozens of species appear destitute and wanting. A Paradan takes notice of Doctor Monroe, but quickly backs away when Joey steps in. Her teams makes their way to a Net Girl establishment and begin to interview its workers. Joey, escorted by security, talks with a Teplan, hoping to find Kelinor's location. Doctor Monroe speaks with a Rakhari, who cautions her to avoid the Paradans. Counselor Rael meets with a Boreriri, and, while bonding over their ability to communicate telepathically, learns that basic supplies are hard to come by. Food, water, medicine, clothing, anything considered a basic essential for living is in short supply.

Meanwhile, Commander Reynolds' team starts their search in a bar. They are first engaged by a Selamat who probes their intentions. Finding them to be worthy enough, he lets them meet a purple-haired woman occupying a booth in the back of the bar. Lt. Commander Di Pasquale takes the lead and demonstrates that they have a fast ship and they're looking to join the gang. After some back and forth, the purple-haired woman gives them a Cardassian data rod and instructs them to take it deep into the station. The Away Team does so, and dodges several sketchy encounters in the process. They deliver the data rod, unopened as promised, and meet once more with the purple-haired woman. Impressed, she gives the away team a data chip which contains a set of coordinates to a fresh supply dump that needs to be tended to.

Later that evening, Commander Reynolds' team makes contact with the Black Hawk. The coordinates are shared with Captain Geisler who recognizes them as being the last known location of the USS Gaittithe, their sister ship with whom the Black Hawk was already on its way to meet. Captain Geisler does the math and realizes that in order for the pirates to have the coordinates of the ship, then it was already compromised. He decides to not alter the Black Hawk's approach and orders Commander Reynolds to take his runabout, the Kwando, and beat them to the Gaittithe as they had a chance to infiltrate the pirate gang and they couldn't afford to loose it.

The Black Hawk retrieves the Conchos during the graveyard shift and continues on to the Gaittithes last known location. He gathers his command staff at the moment the Conchos docks and informs the senior staff of the situation. Captain Geisler declares yellow alert for the ship and announces that they'd arrive at the Gaittithes location early into alpha shift. Together, the crew hatches a strategy for their arrival and initial actions.

Later that morning, the Kwando arrives at the Gaittithe, finding it in terrible condition. Both nacelles had been ripped away from the hull, as was the weapons pod. Its hull showed several signs of polaron damage. Pirates had already boarded the Akira-class vessel, having already taken over its flight deck and harvesting cargo. The Kwando lands in the flight deck, and the away team is immediately divided to assist pirate groups. Commander Reynolds is sent to assist with the removal of an industrial replicator. Commander Di Pasquale volunteers to head to the armory to aid a team of Rakhari in extracting probes. Ensign Mitchell is sent to sickbay to help harvest medical supplies. While all three are successful in aiding the pirates and maintaining their cover, Commander Di Pasquale loads several probes into the runabout and departs with the Rakhari for Razmena.

The Black Hawk arrives an hour later, dropping out of warp on the other side of the system. They discover the system has been flooded with radiation, limiting the short range sensors. Eventually, the Black Hawk arrives at the Gaittithe. Surprised at the ship's condition, Captain Geisler issues a sector-wide Yellow Alert and orders Task Group Belvedere increase its check-ins each day. The Captain then dispatches rescue teams.


Mission Day 1 (June 14, 2390)
Mission Day 2 (June 15, 2390)
Mission Day 3 (June 16, 2390)
Mission Day 4 (June 17, 2390)
Mission Day 5 (June 18, 2390)

OOC Information

Mission 23 began on May 6, 2023. Since then, 24 posts have been published.

External Information

Complete Mission Logs for Episode 23: Return to Razmena

SEASON 1 0: New Voyages1: Echoes2: Pursuit3: Razmena4: Boarded4.5: Repairs5: Answers
SEASON 2 6: Rude Awakening7: Outbreak8: Risky Business9: Click Three Times10: Endgame
SEASON 3 11: Shore Leave12: The Finnean Crisis13: Crossing Over14: The Search Begins
15: Fractured16: The Kalisa Conundrum17: Truth and Justice18: Epilogue
SEASON 4 19: Sentience20: Ghosts21: Extinction21.5: Regrouping22: Milk Run
23: Return to Razmena24: Shattered Unity25: Bait and Switch26: Cover of Darkness