Drums of War (Part 11)

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Paddwriting.jpg ORIGINAL WRITING
This page was originally published elsewhere as part of a joint sim or fleet effort. It has been duplicated here for posterity.

Retired Admiral Saatyi Noru, Eryos, Captain Maxine Laurent, & various others


USS Akihito


August 2388




Even though the need for secrecy had somewhat disappeared the trip back to Task Force space nevertheless had taken quite a while, add to that the not always easy cooperation with their new Dominion friends it meant there was quite some risk they were not going to make it in time.

“Lieutenant, as soon as we get in sensor range of Unity give me a full report on the situation” Maxine said as she took her seat in the central command chair. The situation on the ship’s bridge had grown increasingly tense as they came closer to the base. Everyone knew the stakes and the risks.

“Captain, the lead Dominion ship has sent us sensor readings showing a battle going on at Unity and they are asking for instructions” Lieutenant Adiras, the Chief Operations said. Just as he did Admiral Saatyi and the Vorta Eryos stepped onto the bridge, quickly taking their assigned guest seats.

Maxine walked to the Ops station to look at the logs, the battle was going about as bad as expected. There was enough time to save Unity by the looks of it but many Starfleet forces were likely to die. “Tell them to prepare to fight, we’re attacking the Consortium forces head on”

“Our forces are always ready to fight Captain Laurent” Eryos responded, the guy managed to really get on her nerves so she opted to ignore him.

“Helm, set a course for the Consortium ships. Get us in between our ships and theirs.” Maxine continued before sitting down again. As the minutes went by the regular lights shifted to red alert ones as they dropped out of Warp. The primary targets were the capital ships but any smaller ships caught in the middle would be targeted as well.

“Hail all loyalist forces.” She ordered, once the channel was confirmed she continued. “Starfleet forces and Unity, this is Captain Maxine Laurent of the Akihito. We have come with Dominion aid to engage the Consortium. Do not attack Dominion ships” They couldn’t exactly afford friendly fire incidents in a battlezone as chaotic as this one after all. In a way she felt sorrow for what they were doing. By including the Dominion into the fight the chances of mercy were minimal. These forces weren’t used to settle for just disabling a ship. “Tactical, focus fire on the Brazil, Operations inform the Jem’Hadar to shield our damaged ships while doing their attack runs”

The Ronin class would quickly engage the Galaxy class with its phaser cannons first before punching through the weakened shields with quantum torpedoes, reinforced by fire from the two Battleships the ship was beyond repair within minutes and reports of its warp containment failing followed only seconds later. Itself followed quickly by the ship exploding. Meanwhile the Battle Cruisers and Fighters unleashed all they had on the other Consortium ships destroying 3 and disabling 3 more. The latter part of this did not happen however before the Consortium gave back at least as much as they were receiving. Two fighters had been destroyed and by a coordinated strike even one of the Battleships suffered significant damage while another Battle Cruiser was destroyed. The battle seemed to finally be over and they had won.

Maxine released a sigh of relief. “Captain, Unity is hailing us and the rest of the defending forces with orders to provide aid to the damaged ships on both sides and to arrest all Consortium crewmembers. Commodore Cameron also wishes to convey her gratitude.”

Continue to The Enemy of My Enemy


This post was originally written by Alexander for Bravo Fleet and posted on the Bravo Fleet forums. Use of Bravo Fleet's Drums of War (Part 11) is permitted under the Creative Commons 4.0 License and has been modified to suit the story and purposes of the USS Black Hawk Star Trek Role-Playing Simulation.

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TF9 Part 2: Forced Into Exile Part 12345
Black Hawk Missions Rude Awakening (Mission)Outbreak (Mission)Risky Business (Mission)
TF9 Part 3: Drums of War Part 1234567891011
TF9 Part 4: The Enemy of My Enemy Part 1234
TF9 Part 5: Collapse Part 123
Black Hawk Missions Endgame (Mission)