Drums of War (Part 8)

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Paddwriting.jpg ORIGINAL WRITING
This page was originally published elsewhere as part of a joint sim or fleet effort. It has been duplicated here for posterity.

Commodore Zachary O’Connell


Starbase Unity


August 2388




Several minutes had passed since the O’Carroll had finished its second attack run. It had not gone as successful as their first. In fact, the Consortium fleet had done well to prepare for these hit-and-run tactics. Three of Unity’s defenders had been disabled by the Consortium’s adapting tactics.

A fourth, the USS Ottawa, had been eviscerated. Zachary chalked it up to a vendetta that the Consortium had against the small vessel. Just a couple months ago, the Ottawa was among the Consortium ranks and had a chance to destroy Starbase Unity. Thankfully, the O’Carroll had arrived in time and made quick work preventing Unity’s destruction. The infection aboard the Ottawa was cleared and the ship pressed back into Starfleet service.

It was only natural that the Consortium would show that particular vessel above all no mercy.

The Consortium forces were still strong, having lost only one vessel to the conflict so far. Unity’s weapons platforms had put up a poor defense and had now been officially overrun. Based on how things were now going, Zachary wasn’t sure they’d be able to hold out. Starfleet was losing, and the Dominion fleet wasn’t moving any faster.

It was clear to Zachary that there were only two options. The first was one he could not consider, and that was to scramble and retreat. Sure, it would take a while for the Consortium to track each one of them down and destroy them, but it would also mean the end of Starfleet in the Gamma Quadrant, even if their plan to get a ship on the other side of the wormhole succeeded.

No, the only option before them was the one that would get all of them killed. In his command chair, he took a moment to bow his head and mentally weep for his newborn son. They’d managed to get him aboard a nursery on a fleeing civilian ship so that he would avoid seeing this nasty conflict. Zach also knew that it would mean that his son was doomed to repeat a vicious history. Zachary had grown up without his parents, a life he had hoped his son would avoid. Now it was becoming clear that Zachary had failed his son.

He fought the tears welling up in his eyes. The Commodore had to keep it all together, not for his sake, but for the sake of those around him. If he had a moment, surely he’d steal it and retreat to Engineering to mourn with his wife.

Alas, he was snapped out of it by the voice of his Betazoid Tactical Chief. Zach was sure the Betazoid could sense Zachary’s overwhelming emotions, and his struggle to keep it all together.

In fact, it was the reason why the Tactical Chief spoke up with news of the Odyssey's hit and run. Lieutenant Wul above everyone else on the bridge had a personal responsibility to the Commodore, to keep him mentally on the bridge for the sake of the crew and the ships involved in these desperate tactics. “The Odyssey made it,” he announced. “They’re reporting massive breaches on their saucer. They’re also performing saucer separation so that the Stardrive can prepare for another attack run.”

Zachary looked up at the viewscreen, barely acknowledging the report. His group had shrunk. Only the Maketu, O’Carroll, and portions of the Odyssey and Perseus remained. The larger ships, including the Scorpio and Akihito, stayed behind to defend Unity, and things weren’t looking well for them.

Inhaling sharply, Zachary mustered all his remaining confidence and rose from his chair. “Open our group channel.” Getting a confirming nod from the Ops chief, Zachary cleared his throat and said. “This is Commodore O’Connell. All ships are to immediately converge on the Consortium fleet. Our targets will be the Brazil and Tiananmen. If we can divert their attention, we should be able to give Unity more time to bolster her defenses.”

Over the next few seconds, he heard the voices of the commanding officers of those ships give their reluctant confirmation. They knew, just like Zachary did, that this was suicide and that it was their only option.

“Everyone, on my mark,” he said, returning to his chair. He watched the inactive viewscreen for just a moment before ordering, “Engage.” Instantly the viewscreen was filled with warp trails. It would only be a few seconds before they arrived.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Zachary said to those around him. He sighed, not wanting to say these words, but he knew it had to be done. “If we don’t make it, know that it’s been an honor serving with you. See you on the other side.”

As soon as he finished, the warp trails disappeared, revealing the battleground in front of Starbase Unity. “Lieutenant Wul,” Zachary somehow said calmly. “Target the Brazil and fire at will.”

Read the Next Part


This post was originally written by Greenfelt22 for Bravo Fleet and posted on the Bravo Fleet forums. Use of Bravo Fleet's Drums of War (Part 8) is permitted under the Creative Commons 4.0 License and has been modified to suit the story and purposes of the USS Black Hawk Star Trek Role-Playing Simulation.

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