The Enemy of My Enemy (Part 3)

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This page was originally published elsewhere as part of a joint sim or fleet effort. It has been duplicated here for posterity.

Retired Admiral Saatyi Noru, Eryos & various others




Mission Day 10 1400



'"This takes place prior to Drums of War

Over the past two hours it had become quite clear there was still significant distrust from the Dominion, perhaps even more than when he had retired. Jem’Hadar forces had rapidly assumed positions at the areas needed to use ship systems that could be used in any offensive capacity, of course this could all just be a precaution with the recent Consortium events. In either case Noru had his work cut out for him. As he was escorted through a hallway to the office of Eryos he could not help but observe the spartan design choices, even for a Vorta. Once at the end of the hallway his escort assumed a guarding position at the door and allowed him to walk inside alone. Once there he could immediately recognized his once enemy and later friend. “Eryos, as vibrant as ever” He said while walking to the Vorta and extending a hand.

The Dominion diplomat rose and met the hand with his own. “I wish I could say the same Noru, the Jumja sticks finally getting to you in your old age?” He said while motioning for Noru to sit before doing so again himself.

Noru laughed “We can’t all have clones as a reset button” He replied while gladly sitting down on the chair offered. “I wish I were here for the jokes Eryos, I assume you have heard about the Consortium?” The slight nod from the Vorta confirmed as much. “As it stands Commodore Cameron and a group of loyalists are holding out in the former Dominion installation now known as Starbase Unity however things are looking grim and they could soon fall if no outside intervention occurs within a short timeframe. The wormhole is blocked off and the other local powers are either too small to make a difference or in league with the Consortium. We need the aid of the Dominion to turn the tide of war” Noru said, before observing a short pause for the Vorta to interject.

“The Consortium are snakes and the Founders have no love for them. Long before they attacked Starfleet they were already a thorn in our side however I am not sure how Starfleet’s infighting is any concern of ours. Especially now that you have shown to be far from a stable element in the Gamma Quadrant” Eryos responded, as expected.

“In the short term you are entirely correct, if the Consortium manages to take out the loyalist force it will be left weakened and your forces could annihilate them without significant resistance while no longer having to worry about them. In the long term however the Federation is going to come back through that wormhole again and blame the destruction of the Task Force on you entirely. The last war was costly on both of us and I doubt the Founders want another one. If however you were to support Starfleet in its time of need we can move beyond the hostility between the two powers. Simply by virtue of alliance your influence in the Gamma Quadrant would increase with no threat from an outside force set on retaliation” Noru said, he had over a week to prepare for this and for a long time he had hoped that somehow the Federation and Dominion could come together in a way much like the Federation and Klingons did eventually after generations of fighting. He knew Eryos shared similar hopes and that even some of the Founders had been convinced to see Odo’s way on things more closely.

“Your points are not without merit, what are you proposing we contribute exactly to this endeavour?” Eryos asked.

“Considering the time sensitivity for Unity just the vanguard you have deployed near the border of your space close to Unity already. If I recall correctly from the StratOps report, two battleships, five battle cruisers and three dozen fighters.This should be enough to turn the battle in our favour. Afterwards a fleet would aid greatly in pushing to New Bajor and retaking the planet as well as the Wormhole from them.” Noru responded.

“You always did manage to make big demands” Eryos joked. “I will consult with the Founders. Please wait here and make yourself comfortable. I will tell the guards to give you anything you need.”

Noru sighed, once Eryos wanted someone to be comfortable they were going to be waiting a while. The next few hours went by surprisingly quickly, Noru had updated Captain Laurent on the progress and spent the rest of the time mostly talking about random things as there wasn’t much else that he could do. When his watch indicated that it was nearly midnight the doors opened and Eryos walked in again.

“It would seem the Federation has more friends among the Founders than I had expected. They have agreed to your request. On one condition, the Founders want a Dominion representative to be present at all high level meetings of Task Force command staff” He said while moving for his chair and sitting down.

Noru wasn’t fond of the requirement and he knew the people back home weren’t either but they were better off unhappy than dead. “That is acceptable” He said, standing up and extending his hand once again. “We have an agreement”

The Vorta nodded and met the hand, now confirming the deal. “I will be joining you on the Akihito at which point we are to rendez vous with the vanguard force and move to reinforce Unity”

Read the Next Part


This post was originally written by Alexander for Bravo Fleet and posted on the Bravo Fleet forums. Use of Bravo Fleet's The Enemy of My Enemy (Part 3) is permitted under the Creative Commons 4.0 License and has been modified to suit the story and purposes of the USS Black Hawk Star Trek Role-Playing Simulation.

TF9 Part 1: Pity Is Treason Part 123456789101112
TF9 Part 2: Forced Into Exile Part 12345
Black Hawk Missions Rude Awakening (Mission)Outbreak (Mission)Risky Business (Mission)
TF9 Part 3: Drums of War Part 1234567891011
TF9 Part 4: The Enemy of My Enemy Part 1234
TF9 Part 5: Collapse Part 123
Black Hawk Missions Endgame (Mission)