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Security Office

Security Offices aboard a station or ship are normally not limited to a single office space, but are rather part of a security complex incorporating many resources to ensure the safety of ship and crew. Size of this "complex" is dependent on the class of ship, naturally, while station-based and planetside facilities are usually quite large. At its core is at least one office used by Security to monitor basic crew safety (whether on-board or on an away team), control access to certain areas or systems, observe passengers and persons-of-interest, and serve as a base of operations. Added to this is the ships' Armory and Brig (or detention cells aboard a station), each of which is manned and secured at all times. All are designed to allow Security to control movement to and from these areas. Hatches in these areas are also made of reinforced duranuim, and are backed up by containment fields.

Due to operational security needs, Security is equipped with its own Computer Core which operates in stand-alone mode to ensure protected information storage. This core can be readily linked to a ship/station's main computer, but only through a heavily shielded and encrypted data exchange. Access to the Security computer is severely restricted. Likewise, all power and utility trunking are secured against tampering.

As space allows, Security is endowed with more work areas, such as:

  • A personal office for the Chief of Security
  • A fully-equipped forensic lab
  • Offices for Security Investigations Officers and Criminal Profilers to carry out their duties
  • An Interrogation Room
  • Additional access to sensors to detect possible threats outside the ship/station
  • Workspaces to support Judge Advocate General hearings and procedures

Security Station

A Security Station can be as simple as a post manned by a single Security Officer to an office that allows Security to monitor a certain area, control access, or provide faster response times. It also makes Security readily available to the crew and passengers. A ship or station can literally have dozens of security stations about its decks. Usually they are located near areas requiring limited access, such as the Computer Core, Antimatter Storage, weapons bays, and the Intelligence Center. High-traffic areas like a Promenade and Lounges are also likely spots. Stations are also set up alongside Airlocks to watch those that come and go. When dignitaries are aboard, Security may establish a station near the VIP/Guest Quarters. Anywhere the Chief of Security or the command staff deem worthy of securing can have a station set up in close proximity.

No Security Station is complete without its own Weapons Locker.


A ship's brig is a jail or prison used to house individuals that pose a security threat to the vessel or her crew. These individuals may comprise prisoners of war, criminals, or crew members serving or are awaiting to serve punishment. The size of the brig is dependent of the size of the ship. Smaller craft like the Defiant class have only one cell, while bigger vessels like the Normandy class have ten or more. Cells are designed to hold two prisoners at a time, although four can be housed in one in emergency situations. Starfleet cell design calls for bulkheads on three sides and a fourth housing an embedded forcefield to allow passage in and out of the enclosement. Cells also have hide-a-way bunks and tables, but are not made for long-term incarceration.

Usually the brig is located in an isolated area of the ship or station, and includes a security checkpoint from which access to the prisoners are controlled. This point is manned at all times by Security Officers and has extensive sensor monitoring, as well as a weapons locker. Most ship and station designs have brigs as part of a larger security complex.

The brig is under the command of the Brig Officer, who is responsible for the security and welfare of prisoners housed therein.


The Armory is the main storage and distribution area of weapons on a vessel or station. It is the second most-heavily guarded room onboard any Starfleet vessel or station as access to weapons must be monitored at all time. There may be several aboard any vessel or station, dispersed throughout so there is easy access to weapons in case of emergency or even just for daily use. (See also Weapons Locker.) Armories are controlled by the Master-at-Arms, as well as a small team of Security Officers. They ensure that access to the armory is restricted to authorized personnel and that weapons are properly functioning and maintained. Armories always have a Phaser range next door or attached.

Every armory will contain:

Interrogation Room

The interrogation room is a large room aboard larger classes of ships (such as the Galaxy and Excalibur classes) that can be used for interrogations and hearings during courts martial or other judicial matters. The usual layout of the room features a circular raised riser with a single chair were the accused would be questioned. Interrogators would sit at one of two semi-circular desks placed at the base of the riser, while the accused's adivsors/counselors would sit at the other. Behind the desks, several rows of chairs could be arranged for observers if a hearing was open to the public. Several viewscreens ringed the walls to allow evidence to be displayed for all to see.

Weapons Locker

Weapons Lockers are secure areas used to store firearms aboard a ship, space station, or outpost. Access to these areas is typically through key-code input or voice authorization. Lockers vary in size and can house anything from a Type 2 Hand Phaser to Explosives to Tri-cobalt torpedoes While they are found in bulk in a ship/station's Armory and Torpedo Magazines, operational and security procedures also place them in strategic locations. These may include:

  • Transporter Rooms
  • Shuttlebays & Drop Bays
  • Security Offices & Security Stations
  • The Bridge
  • Airlocks (for EVA combat situations)
  • Main Engineering

In addition, all Federation support craft are also equipped with a weapons locker.

IMPORTANT ERRATA Security and Tactical DepartmentSecurity and Tactical PositionsSearch and Rescue
Specialized Duty PostsSecurity Clearances
TACTICAL SYSTEMS Ablative ArmorMLSS ShieldsPhaser ArraysPhoton TorpedoesQuantum TorpedoesTri-Cobalt Torpedoes
SECURITY FUNCTIONS Access CodesSecurity LocationsSecurity TerminologyStarship Security Procedures
Phaser SettingsTactical BeltType-I PhaserType-I Non-Lethal PistolType-II PhaserType-III Phaser
NOTABLE LOCATIONS Security ComplexChief Security Officer's OfficeBrigIsolation CellArmoryPhaser RangeWeapons Locker
PERSONNEL FUNCTIONS Alert StatusCabin AssignmentsComputer Access LevelsDeck ListingDepartment HeadDuty RosterOperating ModesSecurity ClearancesRank GuideRank ComparisonsUniforms
DEPARTMENTS CommandFlight ControlIntelligenceOperationsEngineering