Shattered Unity (Mission)

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Shattered Unity

Season 4




June 19, 2390




With the remains of the USS Gaittithe in tow, the Black Hawk travels to Starbase Unity. What awaits them is a horror unseen since the rise of the Consortium. Can the crew of the Black Hawk break the mystery that is quickly overpowering Federation assets in the Gamma Quadrant?


During the graveyard shift, the Black Hawk receives a distress call from Starbase Unity. The transmission is heavily distorted, but it is clear that the starbase is under attack. Captain Geisler declares a red alert, orders the tractor towing the USS Gaittithe cut, and summons the crew to action. On the way, the crew attempt to formulate a plan given the limited information and assume the attack pattern will be similar to what overwhelmed the Gaittithe two days prior. Captain Geisler also prepares for the worst, leaving behind a communications buoy while ordering the USS Valcour and USS Perseus from Task Group Belvedere to join the fray.

The Black Hawk arrives at Unity twenty minutes later to find that it is nothing more than a debris field. Its support vessels, the USS Oakland, USS Irvine, USS Bamaass, and USS Holtrame, are also among the wreckage, completely destroyed. Scans confirm there are not any hostile contacts, and also confirm small amounts of life. Search and Rescue teams are immediately dispatched, and the Black Hawk begins to beam survivors aboard. A Jem'hadar vessel, adrift, is also discovered in the wreckage. Commander Reynolds, Lieutenant T'Mari, and Lieutenant Kemm beam aboard to investigate.


Mission Day 1 (June 19, 2390)

OOC Information

Mission 24 began on May 6, 2024. Since then, 22 posts have been published.

External Information

Complete Mission Logs for Episode 24: Shattered Unity

SEASON 1 0: New Voyages1: Echoes2: Pursuit3: Razmena4: Boarded4.5: Repairs5: Answers
SEASON 2 6: Rude Awakening7: Outbreak8: Risky Business9: Click Three Times10: Endgame
SEASON 3 11: Shore Leave12: The Finnean Crisis13: Crossing Over14: The Search Begins
15: Fractured16: The Kalisa Conundrum17: Truth and Justice18: Epilogue
SEASON 4 19: Sentience20: Ghosts21: Extinction21.5: Regrouping22: Milk Run
23: Return to Razmena24: Shattered Unity25: Bait and Switch26: Cover of Darkness