Flight Control Positions

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"Starfleet Command"

The Flight Control Department is composed of many people who often fill multiple unique and universal positions. The primary function of this department is to pilot starships and their auxiliary craft.

Command Positions

Chief Flight Control Officer
Classification: Officer
Originally known as helm, or Flight Control Officer, CONN incorporates two job, Navigation and flight control. A Flight Control Officer must always be present on the bridge of a starship. S/he plots courses, supervises the computers piloting, corrects any flight deviations and pilots the ship manually when needed. The Chief Flight Control Officer is the senior most CONN Officer aboard, serving as a Senior Officer, and chief of the personnel under him/her.
Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer
Classification: Officer
Originally known as helm, or Flight Control Officer, CONN incorporates two job, Navigation and flight control. A Flight Control Officer must always be present on the bridge of a starship. S/he plots courses, supervises the computers piloting, corrects any flight deviations and pilots the ship manually when needed. The Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer is the second senior most CONN Officer aboard and reports directly to the Chief Flight Control Officer.
Chief Shuttlecraft Pilot
Classification: Officer
All small spacecrafts aboard a starship, starbase or a facility (Shuttles, Runabouts, Transports, Captain's yacht, Patrol Vessels etc.) but excluding fighters are flown by Shuttlecraft Pilots. This is often the proving ground for pilots until they earn a berth on a starship as a Flight Control Officer.

The Chief Shuttlecraft Pilot reports to the Chief Flight Control Officer.

Flight Control

Flight Control Officer
Classification: Officer
Originally known as helm, or Flight Control Officer, CONN incorporates two job, navigation and flight control. A Flight Control Officer must always be present on the bridge of a starship, and every vessel has a number of Flight Control Officers to allow shift rotations. S/he plots courses, supervises the computers piloting, corrects any flight deviations and pilots the ship manually when needed. Flight Control Officers report to the Chief Flight Control Officer.

Support Craft

Chief Support Craft Pilot
Classification: Officer
All small spacecrafts aboard a starship, starbase or a facility (Shuttles, Runabouts, Transports, Captain's yacht, Patrol Vessels etc.) but excluding fighters are flown by Support Craft Pilots. This is often the proving ground for pilots until they earn a berth on a starship as a Flight Control Officer.

The Chief Support Craft Pilot reports to the Chief Flight Control Officer.
Support Craft Pilot
Classification: Officer
All small spacecrafts aboard a starship, starbase or a facility (Shuttles, Runabouts, Transports, Captain's yacht, Patrol Vessels etc.) but excluding fighters are flown by Support Craft Pilots. This is often the proving ground for pilots until they earn a berth on a starship as a Flight Control Officer. They report to the Chief Support Craft Pilot.
Support Craft Pilot (Enlisted)
Classification: Enlisted
All small spacecrafts aboard a starship, starbase or a facility (Shuttles, Runabouts, Transports, Captain's yacht, Patrol Vessels etc.) but excluding fighters are flown by Support Craft Pilots. This is often the proving ground for pilots until they earn a berth on a starship as a Flight Control Officer. They report to the Chief Support Craft Pilot.

Page Credits
Elements (whether the full page, significant portions, or select excerpts) above were assembled by Camila, the brilliant player behind our Chief of Security, Lt. Commander Di Pasquale.

IMPORTANT ERRATA DepartmentsGeneral OrdersStarship Security ProceduresOperating ModesOrbitsBearings and NavigationDefensive ManeuversOffensive Maneuvers
PERSONNEL FUNCTIONS Alert StatusComputer Access LevelsDeck ListingDepartment HeadOperating ModesPositionsSecurity ClearancesRank GuideRank Comparisons
DEPARTMENTS CommandFlight ControlIntelligenceOperationsEngineering